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Alpe Gamperthun lodge


Alpe Gamperthun lodge is one of the loveliest and highest Alpine pastures where cows graze in the Paznaun region. On a level surface just above the tree limit at 2057m altitude, the Gampertunalpe provides a superb view to the highest and loveliest mountain summits in the Paznaun region, and also out of the valley to Grins. The Hohe Riffler (3168m), the eternal glacier ice beneath this, the Pezinerspitze (2550m), Kappler Kopf (2404m) and many others are lovely to look at. The little chapel just beneath the lodge is a more tranquil and really lovely place to spend a bit of time and take stock. Paznaun’s own produced Alpine cheese provides a culinary delight, as do other local specialities.

E-bike charging station: only socket available - please bring your own charging cabel!

Monday – Sunday 09:00 - 17:00
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Contact us directly now
Alpe Gamperthun
6553 See
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