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Restaurant Gratli and Skybar


The Gratli restaurant in See surrounded by the snow-covered mountains – what a truly romantic sight to behold! At 2,220 metres above sea level, the friendly staff looks forward to your visit. And on the wind-protected sun deck, the warm “Germknödel” with vanilla sauce or the “Tiroler G’röstl” taste even better. By the way: If you’ve got time on your hands and wait until evening, you’ll also get to see a spectacular sunset – relax in one of the deckchairs and let your mind wander! 

The Gratli restaurant has room inside for 50 guests and, at the spacious sun deck, 240 skiers can enjoy their break from exploring the slopes.

Monday 09:30 - 16:30


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Contact us directly now
Restaurant Gratli Skybar
6553 See
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