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On 28 September 2024, everything will revolve around Alpine cheese in Galtür. At the 30th International Alpine Cheese Olympics, over 130 Alpine pastures from the Alpine regions will be competing to convince the expert and children's jury of their cheese, to win the day and to exchange ideas with each other. Anniversary parade, colourful supporting programme and tastings for visitors included.

When Galtür celebrates the 30th International Alpine Cheese Olympics on 28 September 2024, over 130 Alpine pastures from Germany, Austria, Italy, Liechtenstein and Switzerland will come together in the Paznaun village. Their goal: to exchange ideas, network and compete for the day's victory and the coveted gold, silver and bronze Sennerharfen awards with their own Alpine cheese. What criteria does the strict jury of cheese experts from industry, trade and education pay particular attention to in addition to quality, consistency and flavour in the anniversary year? Only cheeses made from fresh Alpine milk on a registered and managed Alpine pasture are eligible for the competition. Each alpine pasture may only enter up to six types of alpine cheese into the race. If you also want to win the popular Dreikäsehoch prize, your cheese must pass the taste test of a blind tasting children's jury. Good to know: On the anniversary day, guests of the Almkäseolympiade can expect a festive parade, a colourful supporting programme, musical entertainment and numerous tastings of the award-winning cheese specialities. Catering is also provided. The award-winning cheese and other regional delicacies can be purchased on site. All information: www.galtuer.com.

30 years of the Galtür cheese competition

The Alpine Cheese Olympics have been taking place in Galtür since 1994 and are now firmly established in the village and in the diaries of the dairymen. It all started with a question from the Galtür dairymen: "How can we get a wider sales market for our cheese? They discussed, considered and tried their hand at public alpine cheese tastings in the run-up to the event. The idea of a special alpine cheese tasting with a competitive character as part of a district rural youth day in 1995, developed by the district youth farmers' organisation and rural youth of the Landeck district, was the breakthrough. The name for the event was quickly decided on as the "Alpine Cheese Olympics" and the medals were colour-coordinated with Olympic medals in the form of "Sennerharfen". In the meantime, the premiere event in Galtür, which initially saw between eight and twelve local Alpine pastures competing, has become a popular event with over 130 international Alpine pastures and more than 3,000 visitors that is known beyond the borders of the country. The original idea of the founders to offer Alpine dairy farmers a unique platform to exchange ideas, present their cheese to a wide audience and open up new sales markets is just as relevant today as it was back then. Rising sales figures for regional products and the success of the 29 Alpine Cheese Olympics, which now attract numerous visitors every year, are impressive proof that the topic of regionality is more in vogue today than ever before. The Almkäseolympiade is organised by Landjugend Galtür.

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